Is there any good news in this? Of course there is! First of all, this is the Time of Authenticity, where if we are not following the path of our soul, we are going to be mighty uncomfortable. What does THAT mean??? It means that we have to go within and listen to the messages we are getting ALL THE TIME (yes, even YOU!), whether we realize it or not. If there is anything that you feel called to do that you haven’t attempted, the good news is also that NOW is the time. The whole work paradigm is changing – where it was really never acceptable to be unhappy in our work life, it is really very unacceptable now, and our souls will not let us be ok with that. In fact, if we aren’t in right placement, we will be moved in some fashion. Just know, there is something MUCH better coming!! The key, as I have discovered, is to stay as positive as you can, even if you aren’t feeling it. Do whatever you need to uplift yourself. For me, it’s music, guided visualizations, reading authors who resonate with me, and spending time in contemplation with my journal.
this is the opportunity to define our lives on OUR terms, from the
entrepreneur of us, the within of us, that knows our true desires, and
what we came to the planet to accomplish. One of the big “aha”s I’ve
had is that these are the times I came here for, and that without me (as
is true for you, as well) things will not evolve in the same way on our
planet. That’s how important we are! Even in the chaos, there is
harmony among the souls here, even if it doesn’t appear to be so. It is
our job to define our own status quo, start acting “as if”, and taking a
step daily to transform our lives to what is in alignment with who we
are, as well as how we fit into the whole planetary scheme. Who we are
DOES make a difference!!
Here’s to yours, mine, and ours new status quo! And So It Is!!