Friday, May 11, 2012

What Is Working Well In Your Life?

Very often, we tend to focus on what is not working well in our lives. There may be one “bad” comment that comes our way, or one “wrong” thing that happens, and we let it define our day, instead of the perhaps hundreds of things that have gone right all day! Why do we do that to ourselves??
The counselor part of me says that it’s old conditioning or past patterns that no longer even exist (except that we believe they do!) that keep us in victim mode, or in our own personal self-sabotage. Just yesterday, someone who is very close to me responded to an e-mail I’d sent her brooding about something in my life with, “just sheep-dip that old crap thinking off!” It is so easy to forget Who We Are in any given moment, and thank goodness for those in our lives who remind us and are mirrors for us! So, I invite you to try the sheep-dip (bring your favorite cracker! LOL!)
 Mary Morrisey, author of Your Field of Dreams, invites us to treat each day as if it’s a “brand new baby day” and start anew. The good news is that we don’t have to wait until tomorrow to have a fresh start, we can begin right here, right now, in THIS moment. The choice is always ours! I love using affirmations, and have several favorites, but among them is Louise Hay’s, “I Love and Approve of myself exactly as I Am!” Not when this or that happens, but seeing the perfection of where we are right now! Saying this to ourselves in the mirror is especially empowering. And remembering what Power-FULL beings we are can change any circumstance, as well. Ernest Holmes reminds us that “I Am A Center in Divine Mind.” Isn’t this better than focusing on our mis-alligned self-perceptions?
I believe gratitude is THE KEY to recognizing what IS working in our lives. If we get into the mass consciousness, which is riddled with fear and anxiety provoking attitudes and beliefs, it’s hard to see the proverbial forest for the trees. It doesn’t have to be our experience! Take this moment and think of just one thing you are grateful for – and not as a passing thought – but as a prevailing thought that you wish to savor. Now get into the feeling behind that thought, and wallow in it (because there’s something worth wallowing in!)!. Isn’t that much better than anything seemingly negative “out there” that we tend to focus our attention and energy on?
Go somewhere that puts you in a gratitude space! When I walk the labyrinth, it is with the gratitude of being in that sacred space. When I am among the petals there in the center of the labyrinth, I take the time to focus on what the petals mean to me: I am grateful for the faith to know that all is well. I surrender to this faith (because sometimes, that’s what it takes!). I am an abundant being, in service to the gift of being on the planet at this time, and the mission I came for. I forgive all circumstances and people that I have allowed to cause me pain, and myself most of all, for indulging in that pain. I have truly overcome so much through my faith in the process of life. And then, when I step into the middle, where love resides, I am reminded that all of this takes place through the over-riding prevalence of love in my life and affairs. Because wherever I am putting my focus of attention – good, bad, or indifferent – I am loving in my life. So choosing to love what is working, and giving gratitude for those things, will fuel their continuation in a very positive way – and more, and better! It is so cleansing and healing and uplifting and encouraging and soul gratifying! How can you then NOT see what is working in your life??
Stay centered in what is working – stay centered in the miracles that occur daily in our lives. Expect them, invite them, recognize them – they ARE there, all around! And then, be grateful for them! Be open to the form the miracle takes – it may not be what you think you want, but it WILL be absolutely perfect! It will bring you more to be grateful for!
Please feel free to respond to this blog, and share what is working in YOUR life! It will uplift us all!
And So It Is!